Shining Stars
Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Phone: 575-234-3480
1308 W. Blodgett, Carlsbad, NM 88220
"Shine like stars in the universe." Phillipians 2:15
1-Year Old Preschool Class
Teachers: Ms. Jessie Grube and Ms. Tara Horvath
Students must be one year old before September 1. Maximum 8 students in each class.
Goals for ones: Our one year old students focus on learning to sit in designated places, clean and put away toys, recognize colors and shapes, sing songs, use markers and crayons without eating them, stand in line, count from one to ten, role play, and stack blocks.
2-Year Old Preschool Class
Younger Two Teachers: Ms. Ashleigh Fierro and Ms. Trystin Garcia
Middle Two Teachers: Ms. Ashley Rainwater and Ms. Melanie Shaw
Older Two Teachers: Ms. Krista Parker
Students must be two years old before September 1. Maximum 8 students allowed in each class.
Goals for twos: Our two year olds will learn to recognize their written name, know the abc song, learn shapes and colors, begin tracing and cutting, hold a crayon correctly and color with more than one color, count from one to ten, learn how to stand in line and walk in a straight line, clean and put toys away properly, follow directions, take shoes on and off, begin potty training, play pretend, sort shapes, and practice letter association.
3-Year Old Preschool Class
Younger Threes Teacher: Ms. Paula Lee
Middle Threes Teachers: Ms. Brookelyn Prom
Older Threes Teacher: Ms. Belinda Darling
Students must be three years old before September 1. Maximum 10 students allowed in each class.
Goals for threes: Our three year olds will learn to trace and recognize their written name, begin letter recognition, know the abc song, recognize shapes and colors, learn the days of the week and the months of the year, follow simple two step directions, stand and walk in line, use restroom independently, raise hand to ask questions, associate objects with letters, clean and put toys away properly, and sort objects by attribute.
Pre-K Preschool Class
Younger Pre-K Teachers: Ms. Darby Hargis
Older Pre-K Teacher: Ms. Brieze Quarles
Students must be four years old before September 1.
Goals for Pre-K: Our pre-k students will write their own names, recognize letters and sounds, recognize their own name and the names of the other kids in class, recognize and name the shapes and colors, trace on dotted lines, count from 1-20, know the days of the week and the months of the year, hold pencil correctly, cut on lines, color neatly, follow directions, clean and put away toys, begin learning left and right, know directional words such as up and down, and sort and distinguish objects by attribute.